Creating and setting plotting for project part 1
1. I choose and downloaded the tax revenue data from choose the Tax revenue data because I was curious about how much tax revenue do countries collect today starting from the year 1980 up to 2019.
2. This is the link to the tax revenue data.
3. I will use the coad chunck below in order to read ans pread the tax revenue data for analysis.
4. Reading the data
5. Using glimpse to see names and types of columns
Rows: 5,757
Columns: 4
$ Entity <chr> "Afghanistan", …
$ Code <chr> "AFG", "AFG", "…
$ Year <dbl> 2003, 2004, 200…
$ `Total tax revenue (% of GDP) (ICTD (2021))` <dbl> 2.512631, 4.076…
6. Use output from glimpse ( and View) to prepare data for analysis
create object region
that will list the regions I will extract data set from.
Changing the names of 1st column to region
and forth column to totl_tax_rev
Using the filter feature to help extract the rows I want to keep and preview
Select columns to keep: Region, Year, Tax
Assign output to regional_tax
Display first 10 rows of regional_tax
regions <- c(
"United Kindom",
"United States",
"Afghanistan" )
regional_tax <- tax %>%
rename(Region = Entity) %>%
rename(TotalTaxRev = 4) %>%
filter(Year >= 1980, Region %in% regions) %>%
select(Region, Year, TotalTaxRev)
# A tibble: 276 × 3
Region Year TotalTaxRev
<chr> <dbl> <dbl>
1 Afghanistan 2003 2.51
2 Afghanistan 2004 4.08
3 Afghanistan 2005 4.67
4 Afghanistan 2006 7.12
5 Afghanistan 2007 6.06
6 Afghanistan 2008 6.17
7 Afghanistan 2009 8.67
8 Afghanistan 2010 9.56
9 Afghanistan 2011 9.36
10 Afghanistan 2012 7.95
# … with 266 more rows
Check that total for 2015 equals total in graph
# A tibble: 1 × 1
1 215.
Add Picture
Write data to file in the project directory
write_csv(regional_tax, file = "regional_tax.csv")